Electricians in Winston-Salem, NC
Winston-Salem Electricians with over 50 years of experience
For the most trusted electricians in Winston-Salem, NC and surrounding areas, choose the experts at Beco, Inc. All Beco electricians are knowledgeable, well-trained professional technicians. Plus, Beco Inc:
- Is a locally owned and operated family business
- Has been an electrical contractor for more than 50 years
- Offers a 100% guarantee on all work performed
- Provides services 24/7, 365 days a year
- Holds electrical contracting licenses in NC, SC, VA, GA, and FL and
- Never charges overtime to residential customers. Ever!
Beco offers FREE estimates for your residential electrical needs. If you need service fast, Beco’s Emergency Response Team is on standby around the clock. Some examples of the residential electrical services that Beco offers are:
- Telephone, data & cable service & repair
- Electrical wiring and/or upgrades to older homes, new additions and storage buildings
- Energy saving products such as lighting controls, occupancy sensors, timers and consumption meters
- 20+ Point Safety Check that includes a full diagnostic analysis of your home’s electrical system
Request a free estimate or contact Beco’s Winston-Salem electricians for immediate, friendly assistance.
Beco Inc. Electrical Contractor
3919 Reynolda Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27263
Ph # 336-722-2326
Fax # 336-924-0860